Airsoft Safety Basics

Airsoft Safety Basics

Airsoft is a fun and exciting sport, but it also comes with the inherent risk of injury. It is critical that the proper precautions are taken to minimize the risk of injury to yourself and others. In this post, I will outline some of the the essential safety measures players can follow to reduce the risk of injury while playing airsoft. Please note that these are recommendations, but you should always follow the laws and rules put in place in your area. If something feels dangerous or unsafe where you are playing, stop and talk about it with your group.

  1. Wear protective gear: The most critical safety precaution players can take is to wear appropriate protective gear, such as a helmet and ansi rated eye protection. It is also recommended that players wear long-sleeved shirts and pants, gloves, and sturdy shoes. Full seal eye protection is critical to prevent eye injuries. Never take off you safety equipment when on the playing field, even between rounds.

  2. Observe safe shooting distances: Players should observe safe shooting distances and avoid firing at close range whenever possible. Each field has different rules about energy, fps, rates of fire, and minimal engagement distances. These rules are there to protect everyone on the field and are critical to a safe and enjoyable airsoft experience. 

  3. Follow the rules of the game: Players should familiarize themselves with the rules of the game and follow them at all times. This includes rules on safe shooting, how to handle weapons, and how to behave on the playing field. Adhering to these rules will help reduce the risk of injury and ensure a safe and enjoyable game for all players.

  4. Follow the Four Rules of Gun Safety: In addition to the aforementioned safety measures, players should also abide by the four universal rules of gun safety:

    • Always treat airsoft guns as if they are loaded
    • Never point a gun at anything you are not intending/willing to shoot
    • Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot
    • Be aware of your target and what is beyond it

        These rules are essential for ensuring the safety of all players on the field and should be followed at all times. Players who violate these rules put themselves and others at risk and may be disqualified from the game.



        By following these safety precautions, players can reduce the risk of injury and ensure a safe and enjoyable airsoft experience.

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